That's a cool site! The caricature drawings are brilliant.
New Worldly Translation
JoinedPosts by New Worldly Translation
Best new site I've found
by GenericMan inits called flame warriors, a listing of all the types of character you will find on forums like this one.
it was the funniest thing i've seen.
practice against nature
by one in
sorry no sex here, or can you find the link?.
advertise, advertise, advertise .
New Worldly Translation
Behold the future!
Great Books.. Lets hear your favorites!
by GetBusyLiving injust wondering what your favorite books are guys.. any and all genres would be cool!
New Worldly Translation
Mine would have to be in no particular order:
The Great Gatsby & Tender is the Night: F Scott Fitzgerald
Neuromancer: William Gibson
Jude The Obscure, Tess of the Durbeyvilles, The Mayor of Casterbridge: Thomas Hardy
American Psycho & Glamorama: Brett Eaton Ellis
Catcher in the Rye: JD Salinger
Alice in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass: Lews Carroll
1984: George Orwell
Woody Allen: Complete Prose
Anything by PJ O'Rourke (I don't always agree with his politics but he is funny)
Tripods Trilogy : John Christopher (I read this as a kid and I thought it was brilliant. I can't remember much about it now)
Love In The Time Of Cholera: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Diary of a nobody
by New Worldly Translation inhi, i'm new to these forums so i thought i would share some experiences of when i was a jw.. i was born in 1976 into a staunch jw family.
my grandparents, parents, aunties, uncles, cousins etc etc were all jw's going back to the 1950's.
when i was a child my parents, like a lot of jw parents, didn't let me have worldly friends.
New Worldly Translation
Thanks for your messages and support everyone. I'm starting to realise that life is what you make of it and to look forward not back.
A big hug to Sunspot & AK-Jeff for their encouragement (and everyone else too of course )
still feel so weird inviting or being invited to dinner, etc by a workmate and my first thought is always "come up with an excuse of why you can't go" and then I say, what am I thinking? I'm not a JW!
Wow, goodgirl. I can totally relate to that
I still have a hard time accepting the invitation to the office xmas party. Oh, I'm such a fool for not going.. what with all that free booze and food on offer
Very funny spoof religious site
by New Worldly Translation in.
i don't know if anyone has ever linked this site in the past, i can't get the search thingy to work.. anyhoo, it always makes me laugh..
New Worldly Translation
I don't know if anyone has ever linked this site in the past, I can't get the search thingy to work.
Anyhoo, it always makes me laugh.
Is the need to be in a religion a personality trait....................
by BLISSISIGNORANCE inlike the idea that alcoholics have a particular gene, certain mannerisms we inherit from parents or grand-parents, red hair is a recessive gene etc.
is religion inherited as a life style or emotional dependency?????????????????
is it low self-esteem and the need for others to decide what is right and wrong, how to live and even die???????.
New Worldly Translation
People either agree with him wholeheartedly or disagree vehemently but Richard Dawkins views are always interesting
I personally think all religions spring from a fear of death. All religions have some kind of afterlife whether it's heaven, re-incarnation, resurection and a belief system is built up to facilitate the illusion that it's possible.
New Worldly Translation
When I was a kid all the children after the meeting used to play tig off ground in the car park, sometimes jumping on the car bonnetts. That rocked!
But actually inside the KH then erm... not many. We once had a pretty cool district overseer called Bob Oldrey who always gave interesting talks. He used to talk about his own experiences and general stuff and anacondas I seem to recall. He used to ask all the little kids to draw a picture from the bible stories too and then have them up on stage to show them off on the Sunday.
I always felt a bit sorry for DO's cos when they retired they were kind of left penniless after all those years touring round staying in strangers houses. I don't suppose many of them had a pension or if they wanted to work a trade to fall back on.
by vitty inwhat was your motivation for being a witness?.
1) love for god?.
2)appreciation for jesus ransom sacrifice?.
New Worldly Translation
1) Living forever in the new system
2)Fear of armaggedon
3) Pressure to stay in from family or friends
I once had an argument with my dad after an assembly talk that said that JW's main motivation was love for God and it didn't matter if the new system wasn't a real prospect we would still attend meetings etc. I argued that all JW's main motivation was the new system as it was a carrot in front of the donkey situation and without the prize at the end there's no point continuing. That's why the society was always making up dates and saying armageddon was just round the corner to keep every generation of JW's trapped in fear and hope.
Man peed way out of avalanche
by wednesday inman peed way out of avalanche
a slovak man trapped in his car under an avalanche freed himself by drinking 60 bottles of beer and urinating on the snow to melt it.. rescue teams found richard kral drunk and staggering along a mountain path four days after his audi car was buried in the slovak tatra mountains.. he told them that after the avalanche, he had opened his car window and tried to dig his way out.. but as he dug with his hands, he realised the snow would fill his car before he managed to break through.. he had 60 half-litre bottles of beer in his car as he was going on holiday, and after cracking one open to think about the problem he realised he could urinate on the snow to melt it, local media reported.. he said: "i was scooping the snow from above me and packing it down below the window, and then i peed on it to melt it.
it was hard and now my kidneys and liver hurt.
New Worldly Translation
Kudos to that guy! I'm surprised he could pee straight after about 10 bottles.
Jurassic Park .....T-Rex, and other fluffy stuff...
by ScoobySnax inwhen i was a kid, i remember sitting in class, waiting for the playground breaks so i could show the other kids my dinosaur collections.
i had real fossils, plastic t-rex's triceratops and diplodocuses.
this must have been 1977, and i was 7 years old.
New Worldly Translation
Dinosaurs are cool! I was really into them when I was a kid too. Did you watch the Walking with Dinosaurs TV series on BBC a while back? I thought that was well put together and informative.
Although my parents tolerated me having dinosaur toys they didn't believe they ever existed! They have since had to modify their view but my grandma still thinks all paleontologists are involved in some mass fraud where they have a home made bone up their trouser leg and slyly plonk it in a hole they've just dug and say 'Ooh, look what I found!'